At Living Branches, we believe that safe, affordable housing options make a tangible difference in people’s lives. Within Dock Woods, we are proud to offer two rental-assistance apartment complexes that serve residents whose income level meets HUD housing subsidy requirements: Dock Village for families or individuals of any age, and Dock Manor for seniors.
HUD Housing

Dock Manor Office
100 Dock Drive
Lansdale, PA 19446
Dock Manor, subsidized housing for seniors 62 and over, is fully integrated into the Dock Woods community. Dock Manor offers 100 unfurnished apartments:
- 88 1-bedroom standard units
- 10 1-bedroom accessibility tailored units
- 2 2-bedroom standard units
The current wait list is 2.5 to 3 years.

Dock Village Office
100 Community Drive
Lansdale, PA 19446
Dock Village is an apartment complex for families or individuals of any age. It includes:
- 10 1-bedroom apartments
- 80 2-bedroom apartments
- 10 3-bedroom townhomes
- 5 accessibility tailored apartments
Income Limits
1-Bedroom Units
- One person: up to $40,150
- Two persons: up to $45,900
2-Bedroom Units
- Two persons: up to $45,900
- Four persons: up to $57,350
3-Bedroom Units
- Three persons: up to $51,650
- Six persons: up to $66,550