LB06 A Rose in a Ditch
Dock Woods - Chapel and Zoom 275 Dock Drive, LansdaleCome to hear the captivating life story of Julie Henning as documented in her recently published book, A Rose in a Ditch. This first generation Ameriasian was protected by the strong right hand of the Almighty God before she ever knew who He was. She offers her story as a testimony to how God is actively at work through the challenges and joys she has experienced. About the instructor: Julie Henning Julie Henning was born in South Korea in 1953, and was named Goo Sooni. She never knew her father, and was raised by her mother until she died when Julie was 13 years old. While studying and living at the Pearl S. Buck Opportunity Center in Sosa, Korea, Julie caught the attention of the Nobel Prize-winning author, Pearl S. Buck. Pearl brought Julie to the United States in 1968 and raised her as her daughter. After Buck's death, Julie was adopted by an older couple at age 19. Julie is burdened by the cause of Ameriasians, and has addressed the obstacles they face through her writing, on radio and television interviews, and in U.S. congressional hearings. Julie and her husband, Doug, live in Souderton.