Gravity and You, or How to Lose Weight Without Dieting
We will discuss your personal relationship with gravity and suggest several methods of shedding pounds (in some cases micro-ounces) by letting gravity work for you rather than against you. Among the subjects under discussion will be international travel, bad driving habits, subterranean exploration, lunar observations, barometric pressure, and ocean tides. With luck and concentration, you will leave with a deeper understanding of gravity, free fall, space dust, and a new realization of what is meant by “weight.” About the Instructor: Obie Ralphs After growing up a nomad moving between eleven towns in seven states coast to coast Obie has settled down, living with his wife, Bobbie, in this area for the past 55 years. He graduated from Penn State with a B.S. in physics in 1963 and spent the next ten years with Bell of PA before beginning his real career teaching math and physics at North Penn High School. During that time he and Bobbie owned and operated Our Family Toys, a craft business inventing, making, and selling wooden mechanical desk toys. Since retiring in 2004 they have enjoyed playing Celtic music with Quadas Dulcimer Club. In 2016 they moved from the woods of Salford Township to the Woods of Dock.