C.S. Lewis and the Christian Imagination: A Case Study of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Virtual - ZoomC.S. Lewis was one of the most acclaimed apologists for the Christian faith in the twentieth century. His fiction and nonfiction works provide a popular introduction and defense of the truth of Christianity in a way that is accessible to many who would not otherwise give a hearing to the gospel message. Lewis’ writing style and imaginative genius make his works a delight to read. He has had a profound impact on the Christian imagination, and the course will demonstrate this from a case study of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (LLW), as well as references from other Lewis books. It will be very helpful, but not absolutely necessary, to read (or reread) LLW before attending the course. LLW is readily available for free online. Instructor: Tom Sanders - Tom Sanders is a resident of Dock Woods and has been an avid reader of C.S. Lewis and books about him for over 50 years. Lewis is one of a handful of authors who has profoundly shaped his understanding of and love for the scriptures and the glory of God in Christ. Tom is an experienced adult Sunday School teacher and taught high school chemistry for five years at Germantown Academy. After a 33 year career as a research chemist, he retired from Rohm and Haas/Dow in 2011. He and his wife Shirley raised two boys, both of whom are active in studying and living out their faith.