History Through Pages: Biographies and Historical Fiction
Virtual - ZoomDid you know that there are approximately 1,000,000 books published each year worldwide? It is easy to be overwhelmed with all of those choices. This program will guide you through book recommendations for biographies and historical fiction. Learn about lesser known titles that you may have missed. Be reminded of classics and popular bestsellers that you haven’t gotten a chance to read. A list of the titles covered in the presentation will be provided to attendees. About the Instructor: Nicole Husbands - Nicole Husbands is the young adult and outreach services librarian at Indian Valley Public Library in Telford. As a librarian, she answers patron inquiries on a nearly daily basis, often suggesting fiction and nonfiction titles for them to read. She holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Neumann University and a master’s degree in library science from St. John’s University. Husbands has served as a judge for the Indies Book Award given by Foreword Reviews.